NFT Forum Groups Discord Telegram abbreviation Meanings
PVU (Plant vs Undead)
PVP (PlayervsPlayer)
PVE (PlayervsEnvironment/monsters)
NFT (Non Fungible Token)
LE (Light Energy)
DYOR (Do Your Own Research)
ROI (Return on Investment)
TP (Take Profit)
FF (Following)
TP (Take Profit)
FUD (Fear,Uncertainty and Doubt)
HODL (Hold On for Dear Life)
TALPAK(Sun Box?)
Whales:Crypto whales are entities who hold a large number of coins of a particular cryptocurrency.
Mooning:that means a coin's price is experiencing a spike.
Rug pull:
A rug pull is a malicious maneuver in the cryptocurrency industry where crypto developers abandon a project and run away with investors' funds.
Phishing: is a type of social engineering where an attacker sends a fraudulent ("spoofed") message designed to trick a human victim into revealing sensitive information to the attacker or to deploy malicious software on the victim's infrastructure like ransomware.
Spoon-feed: If you think that someone is being given too much help with something and is not making enough effort themselves, you can say they are being spoon-fed.
Gatekeeper:The "Gate-keeper" usually responds with something snark or less than welcoming to the person who asks the question, possibly following it up with, "You probably shouldn't be in crypto if you don't know what that is." or "How does someone with 2000 USD of crypto not know what this is?"