#DMTravelSeries #DiscoverSiargao #DMTravelSeriesxCebuPacific
DISCOVER SIARGAO | Season 1 Webisode 5
#DMTravelSeries presents SIARGAO - S01W05
Cloud 9. Magpupungko Tidal Pools. Naked Island.
These are all places that any wild-hearted adventurer lusts to go to. Here at Siargao, the white sand beaches are untouched, the waves roll in gently and then not-so-gently for the tireless surfer, the abundant palm trees dance around with the crisp saltwater air, the glassy turquoise waters glimmer as the sun shines, and the island lights up with every local's colourful story.
You could spend a week or more here and it still wouldn't be enough see and explore every beautiful place and every beautiful day spent at this pulsing province.
Truthfully, we could go on and on about the one-of-a-kind experience this destination offers, but we'd rather let you see for yourself.
Here it is—finally—Siargao.
Get ready to #DiscoverSiargao with Discover MNL and Cebu Pacific Air
Check out #DMTravelSeriesxCebuPacific for more of our travel adventures!

Book flights to Siargao via Cebu Pacific here bit.ly/DiscoverMNLxCEB #CEBTravels